CSdLSEdirCaryn Scotto d’ Luzia is founder of The SOAR Method, a somatic oriented autonomic nervous system repair approach that successfully offers chronic shame relief, trauma resolution, early attachment re-patterning, relationship repair, greater spiritual wholeness and vibrant embodied living. Steeped in Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory of the autonomic nervous system, trained in Peter Levine’s method of trauma resolution known as Somatic Experiencing, mentored in somatic early attachment re-patterning by both Diane Poole Heller and Kathy Kains, and informed by Daniel Siegel’s work with Interpersonal Neurobiology, she weave 25 years of mindfulness practice, nondualist eastern philosophy, a keen appreciation of cutting-edge neuroscience, and a deep understanding of repairing the body’s electro-magnetic and neurological imprints. She is the author of the following ebooks, The 5 Step Journey to Healing Social Phobia, The Yin/Yang of Abandonment Recovery, and Wound & Essence: A Call and Response Approach to Wound Transformation. She has a practice in the California Bay Area and in New York City where she sees adult clients and couples, facilitates groups, and works with UN affiliated NGOs, Governments and Agencies to heal collective trauma and post civil war PTSD. She is a member of the UN Committee on Mental Health, and has been asked to speak at the United Nations on the issues of resolving second-hand trauma and post civil war violence.