Saturday, September 23rd at 2pm PST or 5pm EST  – FREE WEBINAR

Please join me for a free Webinar this Saturday, September 23rd at 2pm PST or 5pm EST or wherever you are in the world!

G. Jung brought to light the ancient map of Alchemy, an astonishing guide through the transformational process of becoming one’s true self.

Authentic Movement provides a pathway for accessing the somatic unconscious, illuminated through Alchemy.

This leads to what Jung called ‘individuation’–  the soul’s journey toward a more realized life; the process of becoming your authentic self.

In this webinar we will:

  • Explore the different stages and operations of the Alchemical process and how they relate to healing and development
  • View alchemical images that depict the transformative process
  • Deepen our understanding and familiarity with Authentic Movement in healing
  • Discuss alchemy as a model for progressively holding the energy of the opposites and finding a new synthesis
  • Discover how to integrate words, embodied experience, & symbolic expression within clinical practice

To register click here. A replay will be available for 48 hours for those who register.

Tinas Pre-Conference Workshop: 8/25,  9:30am – 12pm & 1:30pm – 4pm

Embodied Alchemy®: Awakening Spirit in the Body

“Our task is not to create more images of light, but to release the light that is trapped within the darkness.”               ~ C.G. Jung

How do we evoke the light in the dark body? How do we embody the soul spark, bring it to consciousness, and live it more fully in our daily lives?

In this workshop, we will explore the impactful role of embodied experience and the spiritual dimensions of the healing process.  Participants will have an opportunity to engage the Alchemical metaphor in relation to the embodied individuation process in healing and development. Elements from Jungian theory will be interwoven and further integrated through movement, drawing, and discussion.

The Alchemists’ aim was to study nature and to learn from its profoundly regenerative capacities, discovering the ‘gold’ in matter.  Alchemy’s basic elements can deepen our understanding of embodied transformative processes, experienced spontaneously through natural movement rooted in Jung’s Active Imagination process.

These practices bring awareness to what we least value, ‘cooking’ unwanted material to generate new life.  Alchemy provides an ancient map of the stages in the individuation process: our journey to wholeness. Such a map can help orient people in their therapeutic work, particularly when they are immersed in unconscious material that may cause feelings of anxiety, impatience, or dissolution.


Tinas Keynote Session: 8/27,  9:30am – 10:30am (Panel: 11am – 12pm)

Body & Soul in Transition

“The symbols of the Self arise in the depths of the body.”        ~ C.G. Jung

Alchemy is most often understood as a primitive scientific attempt to create elemental gold, yet alchemy also sought the ‘inner gold’. So too, modern psychotherapy has the capacity to transform prima materia, the unwanted material of everyday life, into something meaningful, thus helping us find the ‘gold’ in the shadow.

In this presentation images will be shown from a painter’s journey in becoming her true self, the treasure we all seek. Her images take us from life’s earliest beginnings, through the stages of growth, death, dismemberment, despair and new life reshaped by the transformative elements of fire, water, wind, and earth. Here we see the alchemical process at work. Participants will have an opportunity to witness the process as a whole, and to engage the alchemical metaphor in relation to bodily experience.

Conference Information:

The ancient art of alchemy – the transformation of base materials into a nobler form – continues to captivate the imaginations of artists, poets, scholars, seekers – and depth psychologists.  One of the earliest material technologies found throughout the world, many alchemical traditions over time developed into highly elaborate esoteric systems until nearly being eclipsed at the dawn of the modern scientific era.  C.G. Jung was synchronistically introduced to Daoist alchemy through Richard Wilhelm’s translation of The Secret of the Golden Flower, catapulting Jung into the world of alchemy, capturing his imagination and profoundly influencing his scholarly output for the remainder of his life.

This weekend symposium draws upon the rich influence of Jung’s alchemical psychology, while expanding it for a new generation of scholars, seekers, and practitioners. Scholars of alchemy and Jungian analysts of international renown join to offer diverse perspectives of cross-cultural alchemical systems and their implications for analytical practice and personal growth and transformation.

Join us at Pacifica for this inter-disciplinary odyssey into the rich and diverse worlds of alchemy and depth psychology as they are brought into creative dialogue.


Pre-Conference Workshops

  • Robert Bosnak
  • Tina Stromsted
  • Kwame Scruggs (Alchemy, Inc.)

Conference Sessions

  • Stanton Marlan
  • Dominic Steavu-Balint
  • David Gordon White
  • Tina Stromsted
  • Kwame Scruggs (Alchemy, Inc.)
  • Joseph Cambray

Click here for more information and registration.

The Moving Body in the Healing Journey

Tina Stromsted, PhD., BC-DMT, interview with Ariana Gray

April 4th – 11th, 2017

Join me for this exciting free online summit! Filled with personal experiences and ground-breaking research, you will hear from 22 expert helping professionals who delve into everything from creativity and spirituality to finances, personal relationships, physical health, and the relationship with oneself.

My interview explores my journey as a Jungian analyst and Dance/Movement Therapist and how I integrate movement, and body wisdom into my professional practice. How do we maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle and emotional well-being when dealing with challenges and struggles that all helping professionals face? 

I will also be offering a free gift with my interview. 

The summit will run for seven days. Each day during the summit, you will receive an email that will profile three speakers. You will have access to every interview for 48 hours. Enjoy while you listen from home, your office, or on the go! 

Click here for more information and registration.


With Tina Stromsted, Ph.D. Jungian analyst & Dance Therapist

Assisted by Margareta Neuberger, MA

Tuscany, Italy ­­– June 24-30, 2017

At a time when the world is being pulled apart by opposites, this retreat offers an opportunity to consult our inner compass. Here one can find re-orientation, strengthen inner authority, and nourish body and soul. Offering a sanctuary for centering, we will find renewal through natural movement, stillness, dream work, and guiding elements from Alchemy’s ancient wisdom, re-membering our deep humanity in the vital web of community.

How do we evoke the light in the dark body? How do we embody the soul spark, bring it to consciousness, and live it more fully in our daily lives? Authentic Movement and dreamwork allow access to these rich inner resources on a cellular level, reawakening our natural rhythms, instinctual wisdom, and the songs of the soul.

This international retreat will explore the impactful role of embodied experience in the healing process. Alchemy’s basic elements can deepen our understanding of embodied transformation, experienced spontaneously through the practice of Authentic Movement. Dreams carry treasures that enhance the meaning and depth of this spirited journey.

The Alchemists’ aim was to study nature and to learn from its profoundly regenerative capacities. So too, dreams reflect our inner landscape, our spiritual condition. This workshop engages dreams and Alchemy in relation to bodily experience in the process of healing and transformation through moving and witnessing practice.

We will draw from:

BodySoul® Work
Jungian Theory
Voice exploration

Studio sessions will be supplemented by seminars focusing on questions arising from your personal explorations, as well as applications relevant to your creative and professional work.

This retreat is designed for those with a depth of experience in Authentic Movement, welcoming healing practitioners, clinicians, educators, artists, and those interested in growth and matters of the spirit.

Nestled in Tuscany’s beautiful rolling hills and vineyards, the private retreat center offers a peaceful, inspiring setting for self-renewal. Walking trails, delicious Tuscan cooking and a swimming pool enhance the experience.

More Information Click Here


In-depth experience in Authentic Movement is vital. Some background in dreamwork, expressive arts therapy, BodySoul® work or other forms of embodied creative exploration that engage conscious attention is necessary, as well as a background in personal analysis/ psychotherapy. A working knowledge of English is important in order to understand and participate in the intricacies of the work. (Unfortunately it is not feasible to work with a translator as participants come from many countries and linguistic backgrounds.)


$1,450 US with paid registration by January 15, 2017

After that date $1,520 US

40 CEUs available for MFT’s, LCSW’s, LPCCs, DMTs, BC-DMTs, & RSME/Ts

Accommodation and meals:
72 Euros/night for triple, 78/Euros/night double (6 nights) plus tax, paid directly to the retreat site upon arrival.


Enrollment is by application only. Deadline is April 20th, 2017; space is limited, early enrollment is advised. Apply online or download the application and email to Tina. Please put Embodied Alchemy in the subject line.

Contact Tina Stromsted at email:, or Tel.: (415) 668-7857 USA


Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., MFT, BC-DMT is a Jungian psychoanalyst, Board Certified Dance therapist, and Somatics educator. She was co-founder and faculty member of the Authentic Movement Institute in Berkeley (1992-2004) and a founding faculty member of the Women’s Spirituality Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Currently she teaches at the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, the Depth Psychology/Somatics Doctoral program at Pacifica Graduate Institute, and as a core faculty member for the Marion Woodman Foundation.

With 40 years of clinical experience, and a background in dance and theater, she teaches at universities and healing centers internationally, and has a special interest in the creative process, neuroscience, eco-psychology, and embodied spirituality. Developer of Dreamdancing®, Embodied Alchemy®, and Soul’s Body® Center, her numerous articles and book chapters explore the integration of body, brain, psyche and soul in healing and transformation. Her work supports individuals in listening for the soul’s call, and working with obstacles to its fulfillment ~ a process that can assist women and men in re-inhabiting their bodies, reclaiming their instinctual wisdom, and nourishing their authentic sense of self. Her private practice is in San Francisco.

Margareta Neuberger will be assisting. With an M.A. in Somatic Psychology, Margareta is a teacher and long-time practitioner of Authentic Movement and somatic educator who has explored the interconnectedness of healing, spirituality and creativity for more than 30 years. A native of Germany, she moved to San Francisco after completing a B.A. in Theology. She has worked in private practice since 1989, offering Authentic Movement to individuals and groups as an embodied meditative and healing discipline. Margareta lives in Northern California with her husband and 14 year old son.