• Title of Article
  • Author’s name and title
  • Abstract (150-200 words) and 3-5 key words below the abstract
  • Body of the text: manuscript should be single-spaced in 10pt. Arial font with a one-inch (25 mm) margin on all four sides.
  • Brief bio of author(s) listing institutional affiliations follows text: no more than 100 words with the author’s degrees, institutional affiliations, e-mail address, acknowledgment of research support, etc.
  • Reference list formatted according to APA guidelines
  • Appendices (if necessary)

Style Particular to IBPJ

  • Authors are responsible for preparing clearly written manuscripts free of errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Manuscripts found to have these errors will be returned for editing. The Journal suggests that authors work with an editor (formally or informally) to review the manuscript prior to submission. The Journal will provide a list of names of professional editors if requested. The Journal does not at the moment charge authors for submissions, but reserves the right to charge a small editing fee up to 50€ if extensive editing and pre-publication preparation of references is required.
  • Only one space should be inserted between sentences.
  • Make sure that dashes (—) are preceded by and followed by one space (e.g. “He is — after all — a great student.”).
  • Similar to British convention, please make sure punctuation is placed outside quotation marks unless the punctuation is a component of the original quoted material.
  • Indent paragraph: 0.5cm
  • Include page numbers, starting with the first page of the manuscript.
  • The IBPJ uses: http://www.grammarly.com to check work for plagiarism. Authors are urged to check work for accidental plagiarism prior to submission. This program can also be used to proof read your article for grammar, spelling and punctuation.


Articles typically range from 2,000 to 10,000 words.

Copyright permissions

If applicable, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain written copyright permissions for any images within the manuscript that are not the author’s original creation. Copyright permission must be forwarded along with the submission.


Languages: German

  • The IBPJ accepts both British and American style English.

Articles will be peer reviewed in German; if recommended by the German editor, authors will be advised to translate. The final decision about acceptance lies with the editor-in-chief.

Languages Other Than German

The online Journal is published in the English language, and we encourage authors to submit their articles to the IBPJ editorial committee in grammatically correct English. However, if manuscripts are submitted in a language other than English or German, the following will happen:

  • The author can present an abstract of the article suitably translated into English to the IBPJ editorial committee.
  • If the article is deemed possibly suitable for publication in the IBPJ, the author will be encouraged to have the entire article suitably translated into English for further review by the editorial committee.
  • If an article originally written in another language has been accepted for publication in English, the full article can also be published in the original language at the end of the English journal online.
  • For final publication, the article must be fully corrected in the English language.
  • The editorial committee can assist in supplying translators and language collaborators.
  • The costs for translation and correction are the responsibility of the author and must be paid before publication. Payment may also be in the form of joint authorship or a combination of the two which can be decided upon by author and collaborator together.
  • If you are interested in participating in our voluntary team of translators or becoming a foreign language editor, please contact Managing Editor, Jill van der Aa.