Clinical Seminar | Seminar #2: Holding – More Info Click Here

Date: Wed, Jan 07, 2015
Time: 8:30PM
Location: 131 West 24th St., 7th Fl (between 6th & 7th aves.)
Fee: $10.00

NYSBA Member Discount: Take $10.00 off
Presenter: TBA
For more information, contact Dr. Scott Baum @

Seminar 2: Holding

This will be a presentation, including case material, on the various ways a bioenergetic holds a person in the therapeutic process. These ways include physical contact for reparative effect, as well as emotional and interpersonal holding to allow for maximal experience and expression of emotional process.

This year, NYSBA will devote its three clinical seminars to this same theme of Containment, Holding, Re-
ceptivity: Somatopsychic Challenges. Each seminar will address a different aspect of the development of a holding environment. The presentations will include theoretical material as well as case presentations and
demonstrations to illuminate the ways bioenergetic analysis approaches the development, maintenance, and use of that environment in psychotherapy.


Professional Workshop | Workshop #2: Holding

Date: Sat, Jan 10, 2015
Time: 10:00AM – 5:00PM
Location: 131 West 24th St., 7th Fl (between 6th & 7th aves.)
Fee: $95.00; all 3 professional workshops: $255

For more information, contact Dr. Scott Baum.

Workshop 2: Holding

There are varieties of holding in the “holding environment” of the therapeutic space created by a therapist. There is holding that comforts and salves suffering. There is holding that means the therapist sustains an awareness of the patient as a whole and separate person. How do therapists hold patients in all these ways?

The idea of a holding environment has penetrated the consciousness of psychotherapists of many orientations. In Bioenergetic Analysis the holding environment is an energetic container made up of the therapist’s entire person. This includes the therapist’s emotional disposition toward patients, the therapist’s skill set, and the value-belief matrix that informs the therapist’s orientation to the patient and to the work of therapy.

This year the New York Society will present a coordinated program of activities for professional psychotherapists that will investigate and illuminate the energetic nature of the holding environment. How do we organize such a space? What are the constituent elements that make up such a space, and how does each of us embody those elements? How does the holding environment advance the work of the therapy?

As part of investigating these questions workshop leaders will present their own view of the nature and functioning of the holding, how they use it as a living, energetic form for the therapy, and what the technical interventions such an environment permits.


Experiential Workshop | Learning the Language of the Body: The Bioenergetic Experience (January 2015)

Date: Sat, Jan 31, 2015
Time: 10:00AM – 5:00PM
Location: 131 West 24th St., 7th Fl (between 6th & 7th aves.)
Fee: $125.00

For more information, contact Dr. Scott Baum.

  • Bioenergetic Bodywork
  • Group/Individual Process
  • In-Depth Emotional Work

This one-day intensive workshop is for people seeking to experience body-oriented psychotherapy, and for professionals interested in learning about working with the body in psychotherapy. Conducted by members of the faculty of the New York Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, the main focus of the day will be devoted to experiential, in-depth personal work.
Wear comfortable clothing. Bring a bag lunch.