Improving social engagement through the use of Core Energetics’.

Please join us for this FREE 6 week process group for adults with Aspergers’ Syndrome.

We will use Core Energetics’ techniques to help connect with the self and with others in an aligned way, while strengthening self awareness, and body consciousness. Using movement, breath work and interactive therapy we will explore the energetic blocks in the body that hinder self development. Core Energetics’ is founded in Bioenergetics body work and adds a spiritual component. It has been successful in healing depression, anxiety, and trauma. Body work with consciousness creates a rich experience unique to the individual. Core Energetics’ is a pathway to the True Self.

Beginning: Monday, March 6, 2017 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm
The Mariner Center for Human Development
67 School St. Auburn, Ma 01501

Please contact Anna Smith at 508-735-3838 or asmith1459@gmail.com to schedule your intake interview.

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