




Tamalpa Institute offers internationally recognized movement-based expressive arts training programs and workshops for healing, education, and social transformation.

The Tamalpa Life/Art Process®, which combines movement, dance, drawing, and writing, has influenced the fields of dance, environmental design, theater, body/mind therapies, and art-based psychology. Our approach is based on the theory that people’s own life experiences are the most meaningful sources for artistic expression and social change.


Tamalpa has worked with over 10,000 people from more than 50 countries, including students, educators, therapists, artists, social workers, and healthcare providers. Today our movement-based expressive arts training programs are ranked among the best in the world, and our public and social engagement programs serve diverse communities from all walks of life, including children, elders, and virtually everyone in between.

Professional Training Program

Tamalpa Institute offers a comprehensive training program for individuals who wish to incorporate the principles and tools of embodied creativity into their own personal development and professional practices. Graduates of the Professional Training Program bring the Tamalpa Life/Art Process® into classrooms, businesses, hospitals, mental health care settings, hospices, prisons, and disadvantaged communities throughout the world. Read More

Graduate Degrees Pathways

Degree programs are available through our professional training programs in partnership with Meridian University and European Graduate School. Learn more

Public Programs

We are proud to offer public workshops and special events throughout the year. Listen deeply to the wisdom of the body and experience what has made the pioneering work of Anna and Daria Halprin such an internationally recognized process for healing and social transformation. Develop your own creativity and personal resources in a single weekend or in a weeklong workshop as you explore the deeper meaning of creative experience.
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Tamalpa ArtCorps: Social Engagement Programs
During the 38 years of Tamalpa Institute, the founders, faculty, and practitioners have taken the Tamalpa Life/Art Process to disadvantaged communities throughout the world. We help those who are silenced or who face social discrimination find a positive means for self-expression. Learn more and watch video