Being in pain can feel like being between a rock and a hard place.
The Rock: I am in pain. The Hard Place: I want it to stop.

Is the struggle with pain a daily reality for you? Or for any of your clients?

Does pain ever feel like a punishment or a burden?
Is physical (or emotional) pain simply too much sometimes?

Pain and the struggle to not be in pain can dominate our daily reality. The thoughts: “What if this goes on forever?” and the feelings: worry, anxiety, depression, despair – compound the pain itself and sap our energy. Emotional pain can be as bad as physical pain, dragging us down and fogging our brains.

When our clients are in pain, it can be much harder to do the work of therapy.

Does it have to be that way? Wouldn’t it be great if our life energy and our unquenchable spirit could emerge, stronger than the pain? And if we could help our clients find that life energy and spirit? If we could find a way to do that, then in a real way even the pain would have a gift in it.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to stop fighting with pain
  • How to use body awareness to track physical symptoms and monitor what kind of help and support is needed
  • The problem with the word “pain” and how the language we use can change our internal experience
  • How to give emotional (or physical) pain the space it needs to change without being forced
  • How to get in touch with the resources you really have that have been masked by the pain
  • Discover the Focusing-oriented way to work with pain. Learn it for yourself and explore how it might be useful for your clients.

September 19 to October 3, 2017
3 Tuesdays; 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Pacific Time
Taught by Ann Weiser Cornell. Live Online Course

Cost: $95 during early registration, $145 after

Find out more or sign up for our free one-hour introductory webinar here.

About Your Teacher

Ann Weiser Cornell is an author, educator, and worldwide authority on Focusing, the self-inquiry somatic technique developed by her close colleague, Eugene Gendlin. Dr Cornell has written several definitive books on Focusing, including The Power of Focusing: A Practical Guide to Emotional Self-Healing, Presence: A Guide to Transforming Your Most Challenging Emotions, and Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change. She has taught Focusing around the world since 1980, and has developed (with Barbara McGavin) a system and method called Inner Relationship Focusing. Dr Cornell has been a presenter at many international conferences including the USABP Conference. For more information see her Wikipedia entry or website

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