Bioenergetic Certification Training in Alachua, Fl

Still Accepting Applications for the 2016 – 2017 Training year – A Few Spots Left

FSBA trainees will have the unique opportunity to learn from multiple FSBA International Trainers throughout the training workshops. The first of the five training workshops for this training year in Florida will be held September 22 – 25, 2016. To learn more and view application, please click
For Information on International FSBA Bioenergetic Certification Training Programs, please visit websites at:




Open Workshop: Rome, Italy

Experience Your Joy and Vitality in Life with Bioenergetics – “We Are Our Bodies” With Silvina Henriquez, M.A. and Flavia Astolfi

September 30th – October 2, 2016

is a Licensed Psychologist in Buenos Aires, Argentina who is certified as a Bioenergetic Therapist with the Florida Society for Bioenergetic Analysis. She has been an International Ontological Coach for Newfield Consulting in Argentina for over five years and is the Director of Newfield Consulting in Argentina. Silvina has an active private Bioenergetic practice emphasizing strong contactful body work helping clients find their strengths and internal resources. Silvina has worked coaching clients in South America, Europe, Mexico, and the United States. She is the co-director of Escuela de Bioenergética, a school for the Bioenergetics School in Argentina.

FLAVIA ASTOLFI has been a certified Bioenergetic Therapist with the Florida Society for Bioenergetic Analysis since 2014. In addition to her private practice clients, she offers bioenergetics classes in a psycho-therapeutic woman’s center and various other locations in Italy. Her bioenergetics background includes her assistant-ship with her mentor, Dr. Robert Glazer, PhD., studying with Dr. Frank Hladky with a focus on his soft, deep style of Bionergetics, and certification training under David Berceli, founder of TRE (Trauma and Stress Release Exercises). Flavia brings twenty years of teaching yoga to her competency with Bioenergetics. Her yoga interests include special attention to Chinese medicine and Psychosomatic Yoga. She has also worked with Barbara Brennan’s healing process and Core Energetics.

Workshop Location: 30 minutes from Rome at

Workshop Cost: Tuition for the 3 days of the workshop is 300 Euro.

Accommodation Cost: 45 euro per night with breakfast. The dinner price is 15 euro and is optional.

Schedule: Participants should arrive Thursday night or in time to begin at 10:00 am on Friday.

Contact Information:
For more information or to register for the workshop, please email

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