A Graduate Workshop for Somatic Practitioners, Therapies and Healers who want to upsurge CONFIDENCE, CLIENTS and COMPEN$ATION so you feel respected and valued, feel eros for your work, ignite your creativity. Humanity and the planet need you in your greatness!

What you are meant to fulfill in Life is also what Life is meant to fulfill in you!

We came to this work
because we were in pain.

We believe in this work
because we transformed.

We share this work
because we love.

Member:  Kate Holt

A Graduate Workshop for Somatic Practitioners, Therapies and Healers who want to upsurge CONFIDENCE,  CLIENTS and COMPEN$ATION so you feel respected and valued, feel eros for your work, ignite your creativity.  Humanity and the planet need you in your greatness!

Here’s the link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/accelerate-evolution-tickets-15479177637

March 7 & 8 @ 150 W. 28th NYC

Portion of the proceeds benefit the Institution of Core Energetics







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