AST Model® for SEPs: 3 Semester Intensive Online Course: Intersection between Shame & Trauma Designed for More Effective Client Outcomes
taught by AST Model of Holistic Shame Resolution® Developer Caryn Scotto d’ Luzia, MA, SEP
Like trauma, specific skills are required to make it possible to fully resolve shame and end the redundant neuro-chemical looping of shame cycles. Yet, shame’s resolution has often been misunderstood by most models including somatic-based approaches. This online course will introduce SEPs to why the complex nature of shame sometimes makes its resolution elusive, and how through the AST Model®’s unique neuro-biological approach offers SEPs missing tools that can create sustainable and deeply gratifying shame relief and life-affirming shifts that transform lives.
AST Model®’s inspiring lens is designed to address working with shame’s challenges and clients with whom nothing seems to work. Participants will have the opportunity to learn to apply familiar SE concepts such as collapse, titration, orienting, protective defenses and uncoupling dynamics differently than in SE shock trauma sessions