This Bioenergetic Analysis PDW will address how, as a clinician, we work with shame, how we may get caught in our own shame while working with our clients and how to maintain or repair the connection that shame disrupts.

Shame resides in the dark recesses of our psyches. It restricts the flow of energy in our bodies and deadens the spirit. Shame inhibits us from contact with others. Rage makes active our inner helplessness and shame. Expressing rage moves energy out, freeing, temporarily, built up tension. Rage feels powerful and protects us from feeling the shame within. However, the cycle of shame and rage will again be put into process if the underlying shame is not acknowledged and addressed.

More information


When: October, 19 (4 pm) – 23 (1 pm), 2018

In this weekend retreat, you will discover tools that will create profound changes in how you experience yourself and live your life.

This work is an amazing embodied process to deepen your personal growth. For therapists and healers, it will add to your understanding of somatic practices. For persons in long-term recovery, it goes to the heart of the deeper issues that may have driven addiction in the first place.

Join us for a program that includes individual exploration and group work, facilitated by some of our most seasoned faculty members.

Check it out here!



Through a powerful combination of experiential exercises, presentations, and group discussion you will:    

  • Learn what your physical body reveals about you, your beliefs, and what it communicates to others that is outside your awareness.

  • Learn the key elements of personality development and how they relate to your current behavioral patterns and circumstances.

  • Learn five main personality types and how they are visibly expressed in the body.

  • Learn how blocked energy flow impacts your physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual expression.

  • Develop greater emotional and relational intelligence.

  • Discover a path that puts you squarely in charge of creating your life.

  • Get a felt sense of who you are at your very best.

No matter where you are in your personal journey, this retreat will support you in taking your next step. Join others, like you who seek authentic connection, love, meaning, and purpose.

Durham, NC
​June 22-23: Mindfulness, Loving Presence and Embodiment: An Introduction to the Hakomi Method
Faculty: Julia Corley, LMBT, M.A. cand., Certified Hakomi Teacher
Schedule: Friday and Saturday 9:00 to 4:30
Cost: $234 if registered by June 1; $260 thereafter. Registration deadline is June 15. (Additional $25 CE fee for social workers)
CEs: Available for MFTs, psychologists, social workers and professional counselors
Note: This workshop may serve as the prerequisite for 2-year Hakomi Comprehensive Trainings, scheduled to begin in Chapel Hill, NC, in October 2018.
For more information or to register contact: Duke Integrative Medicine, (866) 313-0959 or

“There is a state in which you are fully alive, authentic, and spontaneous,” writes Ann Bradney. “You are open to all of your feelings, connected to your strength and your truth. You are not afraid to know anything about yourself. I call this radical aliveness.”

The Radical Aliveness approach to personal growth, spiritual development, and social awareness is a unique group process that welcomes powerful feelings and dynamic group interactions. Working with the personal, the interpersonal, and the systemic, it demands courage, committed engagement with others, and a strong desire to discover and develop your potential within an accelerated, intense time frame and setting.

You work on your relationship to yourself, others, and the world in radically alive ways. You find what stands in the way of realizing your full potential, move past old blocks to open yourself to all that you are and want to be, and uncover the power and goodness at the source of your most destructive patterns so that you can bring your gifts to the world.

The workshop offers 26 CEU’s

A Sensorimotor Approach to Couples Therapy

MAY 4, 2018 – MAY 5, 2018

Join senior SPI Trainer Kekuni Minton, PhD (Presenter) and SPI Trainer and Los Angeles Regional Coordinator Mason A. Sommers, PhD (Discussant) for a two-day workshop on couples therapy.


In couples therapy, the emphasis has been on cognitive and emotional approaches to problem solving and intimacy. However, little attention has been given to the actual body state that is the basis of the two main modes of human interaction: reactive and relational. There may be many good reasons for operating in a reactive mode: attachment injuries, trauma, a bad history of adult relationships. Alternatively, many skills must be developed to sustain a relational mode in couple’s interactions.

In this workshop we will describe major reactive patterns in both the body and the brain, as well as primary dysfunctional attachment strategies. Special attention will be given to skill development in mindfulness, attunement, boundaries, parts work, object relations, and differentiation. We will exercise techniques and interventions to convert these reactive patterns to a relational mode.

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of the program, attendees will be able to:

Identify attributes of hyper- and hypo-arousal in the triggered brain

Identify three Dysfunctional Attachment Strategies and their implications in intimate relationships

Understand and implement techniques and interventions for boundary work for couples

Learn skills necessary for Earned Secure Attachment in work with couples

Identify Differentiated Mindful Attunement: A Description and a Brain/Body State

Understand and implement communication skills including Non Violent communication for couples and Hendrix’ Couples Dialog in work with couples

Apply the 5 Developmental Movements as Paradigms for Experiments with Couples

Explain Polarity in Sex: Knowing and Communicating what turns you on

Apply techniques for tracking and understanding relational body language

Apply techniques and strategies for working with couple’s communication

Credit hours: 12

Level I: Affect Dysregulation, Survival Defenses, and Traumatic Memory

JUNE 10, 2018 – APRIL 1, 2019

A high percentage of clients in outpatient treatment and a higher percentage of inpatients report histories of neglect, trauma, and/or attachment failure. In addition to being diagnosed with PTSD, this client population often presents as affectively dysregulated, chronically depressed, exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and borderline or other personality disorders. Level I of The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Training Program in Affect Regulation, Attachment, and Trauma equips therapists to better understand the symptoms and issues of these challenging client populations and to work with them in a more effective way. With a better understanding of the presenting problems of these clients and equipped with interventions that speak directly to how their issues are driven by the body and the nervous system, students will be able to directly impact the direction of treatment not only for these client populations but also in their practice settings.

The Level I Training presents simple, body-oriented interventions for tracking, naming, and safely exploring trauma-related, somatic activation, creating new competencies and restoring a somatic sense of self. Students will learn effective, accessible interventions for identifying and working with disruptive somatic patterns, disturbed cognitive and emotional processing, and the fragmented sense of self experienced by so many traumatized individuals. Techniques are taught within a phase-oriented treatment approach, focusing first on stabilization and symptom reduction. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can be easily and effectively integrated into psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and EMDR-focused treatments.

This Training consists of approximately 80 contact hours.

Click here for more information on the SPI Training Program including Level I curriculum.

SPI is proud to offer this training in a Sunday/Monday format toaccommodate participants who observe Shabbat or are otherwiseunable to attend Fridays/Saturdays.

A Level I Training will also be offered in 2018 in Manhattan on aFriday/Saturday schedule. Click the link below for more informationon the Manhattan Training or click “Training Application” below toapply to the Sunday/Monday Level I Training in Brooklyn:

Brooklyn Level I Training

Training Application

Training Dates:

  1. June 10-11, 2018
  2. August 26-27, 2018
  3. October 28-29, 2018
  4. December 16-17, 2018
  5. February 10-11, 2019
  6. March 31-April 1, 2019

Trainer Assignments: Each course module is taught on a rotating schedule by individual SPI faculty members as designated below. Trainers do not co-teach modules unless specifically stated otherwise. Specific modules and total number of modules designated to each Trainer may vary.

Dates and times may be subject to change; see Cancellation Policy


Tuition Policy


Financial Aid

Continuing Education Credit: Continuing education credit for this Training is co-sponsored by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI) and The Institute for Continuing Education (ICE). The opportunity to secure credit is included with tuition; materials to secure credit will be provided for participants onsite.

Times: 9:00am-5:30pm (two 15 min. breaks, 1.5 hour lunch each day)
Location: 2112 59th St, Brooklyn, NY 11204. Map
Trainers: Janina Fisher, PhD, Amy Gladstone, LCSW, Ph.D.
Tuition: 3,300 USD. 5% discount if application is received by 04/13/2018. A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00. A deposit of $500.00 is due to provisionally secure a place in the training – deposit is not due at time of application. Refund Policy


Contact: SPI Admissions, 3034473290,
Local Contact: Amy Gladstone, LCSW, Ph.D., 212-243-1540,

Level I: Affect Dysregulation, Survival Defenses, and Traumatic Memory

SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 – APRIL 13, 2019

A high percentage of clients in outpatient treatment and a higher percentage of inpatients report histories of neglect, trauma, and/or attachment failure. In addition to being diagnosed with PTSD, this client population often presents as affectively dysregulated, chronically depressed, exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and borderline or other personality disorders. Level I of The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Training Program in Affect Regulation, Attachment, and Trauma equips therapists to better understand the symptoms and issues of these challenging client populations and to work with them in a more effective way. With a better understanding of the presenting problems of these clients and equipped with interventions that speak directly to how their issues are driven by the body and the nervous system, students will be able to directly impact the direction of treatment not only for these client populations but also in their practice settings.

The Level I Training presents simple, body-oriented interventions for tracking, naming, and safely exploring trauma-related, somatic activation, creating new competencies and restoring a somatic sense of self. Students will learn effective, accessible interventions for identifying and working with disruptive somatic patterns, disturbed cognitive and emotional processing, and the fragmented sense of self experienced by so many traumatized individuals. Techniques are taught within a phase-oriented treatment approach, focusing first on stabilization and symptom reduction. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can be easily and effectively integrated into psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and EMDR-focused treatments.

This Training consists of approximately 80 contact hours.

Click here for more information on the SPI Training Program including Level I curriculum.

Training Application


Training Dates:

  1. September 21-22, 2018
  2. November 2-3, 2018
  3. December 7-8, 2018
  4. January 18-19, 2019
  5. March 8-9, 2019
  6. April 12-13, 2019

Dates and times may be subject to change; see Cancellation Policy


Tuition Policy


Financial Aid

Continuing Education Credit: Continuing education credit for this Training is co-sponsored by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI) and The Institute for Continuing Education (ICE). The opportunity to secure credit is included with tuition; materials to secure credit will be provided for participants onsite.

Click here for more information about securing CE credit

Times: 9:00am-5:30pm all days (two 15 min. breaks, 1.5 hr lunch)
Location: Cathedral Counseling Center, 50 E Washington St., Chicago, IL 60602. Map
Trainers: Anne Westcott, MA, LICSW, Rebeca Farca, MA
Tuition: 3,050 USD. 5% discount if application is received by 07/27/2018. A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00. A deposit of $500.00 is due to provisionally secure a place in the training – deposit is not due at time of application. Refund Policy


Contact: SPI Admissions, 3034473290,
Local Contact: Amy Zajakowski-Uhll, 773-754-7441 (ext. 20),

Level I: Affect Dysregulation, Survival Defenses, and Traumatic Memory

OCTOBER 12, 2018 – APRIL 14, 2019

A high percentage of clients in outpatient treatment and a higher percentage of inpatients report histories of neglect, trauma, and/or attachment failure. In addition to being diagnosed with PTSD, this client population often presents as affectively dysregulated, chronically depressed, exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and borderline or other personality disorders. Level I of The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Training Program in Affect Regulation, Attachment, and Trauma equips therapists to better understand the symptoms and issues of these challenging client populations and to work with them in a more effective way. With a better understanding of the presenting problems of these clients and equipped with interventions that speak directly to how their issues are driven by the body and the nervous system, students will be able to directly impact the direction of treatment not only for these client populations but also in their practice settings.

The Level I Training presents simple, body-oriented interventions for tracking, naming, and safely exploring trauma-related, somatic activation, creating new competencies and restoring a somatic sense of self. Students will learn effective, accessible interventions for identifying and working with disruptive somatic patterns, disturbed cognitive and emotional processing, and the fragmented sense of self experienced by so many traumatized individuals. Techniques are taught within a phase-oriented treatment approach, focusing first on stabilization and symptom reduction. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can be easily and effectively integrated into psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and EMDR-focused treatments.

This Training consists of approximately 80 contact hours.

Click here for more information on the SPI Training Program including Level I curriculum.

Training Application


Training Dates:

  1. October 12-14, 2018
  2. November 30-December 2, 2018
  3. February 22-24, 2019
  4. April 12-14, 2019

Dates and times may be subject to change; see Cancellation Policy


Tuition Policy


Financial Aid

Continuing Education Credit: Continuing education credit for this Training is co-sponsored by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI) and The Institute for Continuing Education (ICE). The opportunity to secure credit is included with tuition; materials to secure credit will be provided for participants onsite.

Click here for more information about securing CE credit

Times: 9am-5:30pm (two 15 min. breaks, 1.5 hr lunch each day)
Location: TBA, Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN. Map
Trainers: Kekuni Minton, PhD, Brigitta Karelis MA, LPC
Tuition: 3,050 USD. 5% discount if application is received by 08/17/2018. A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00. A deposit of $500.00 is due to provisionally secure a place in the training – deposit is not due at time of application. Refund Policy


Contact: SPI Admissions, 3034473290,
Local Contact: Lisa Johnson Taylor, 952-334-0149,

Level I: Affect Dysregulation, Survival Defenses, and Traumatic Memory

OCTOBER 19, 2018 – APRIL 28, 2019

A high percentage of clients in outpatient treatment and a higher percentage of inpatients report histories of neglect, trauma, and/or attachment failure. In addition to being diagnosed with PTSD, this client population often presents as affectively dysregulated, chronically depressed, exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and borderline or other personality disorders. Level I of The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Training Program in Affect Regulation, Attachment, and Trauma equips therapists to better understand the symptoms and issues of these challenging client populations and to work with them in a more effective way. With a better understanding of the presenting problems of these clients and equipped with interventions that speak directly to how their issues are driven by the body and the nervous system, students will be able to directly impact the direction of treatment not only for these client populations but also in their practice settings.

The Level I Training presents simple, body-oriented interventions for tracking, naming, and safely exploring trauma-related, somatic activation, creating new competencies and restoring a somatic sense of self. Students will learn effective, accessible interventions for identifying and working with disruptive somatic patterns, disturbed cognitive and emotional processing, and the fragmented sense of self experienced by so many traumatized individuals. Techniques are taught within a phase-oriented treatment approach, focusing first on stabilization and symptom reduction. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can be easily and effectively integrated into psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and EMDR-focused treatments.

This Training consists of approximately 80 contact hours.

Click here for more information on the SPI Training Program including Level I curriculum.

Training Application


Training Dates:

  1. October 19-21, 2018
  2. December 7-9, 2018
  3. March 8-10, 2019
  4. April 26-28, 2019

Dates and times may be subject to change; see Cancellation Policy


Tuition Policy


Financial Aid

Continuing Education Credit: Continuing education credit for this Training is co-sponsored by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI) and The Institute for Continuing Education (ICE). The opportunity to secure credit is included with tuition; materials to secure credit will be provided for participants onsite.

Click here for more information about securing CE credit

Times: Fridays/Saturdays: 9am-6pm (two 15 min. breaks, 1 hour lunch each day)
Sundays: 9am-3pm (two 15 min. breaks, 1 hour lunch each day)
Location: Trinity University – Payden Academic Center – Rm 101, 125 Michigan Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20017. Map
Trainers: Ame Cutler, Ph.D., Kekuni Minton, PhD
Tuition: 3,100 USD. 5% discount if application is received by 08/24/2018. A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00. A deposit of $500.00 is due to provisionally secure a place in the training – deposit is not due at time of application. Refund Policy


Contact: SPI Admissions, 3034473290,
Local Contact: Sara Mindel, 202 321 3077,

Level I: Affect Dysregulation, Survival Defenses, and Traumatic Memory

OCTOBER 26, 2018 – JUNE 1, 2019

A high percentage of clients in outpatient treatment and a higher percentage of inpatients report histories of neglect, trauma, and/or attachment failure. In addition to being diagnosed with PTSD, this client population often presents as affectively dysregulated, chronically depressed, exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and borderline or other personality disorders. Level I of The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Training Program in Affect Regulation, Attachment, and Trauma equips therapists to better understand the symptoms and issues of these challenging client populations and to work with them in a more effective way. With a better understanding of the presenting problems of these clients and equipped with interventions that speak directly to how their issues are driven by the body and the nervous system, students will be able to directly impact the direction of treatment not only for these client populations but also in their practice settings.

The Level I Training presents simple, body-oriented interventions for tracking, naming, and safely exploring trauma-related, somatic activation, creating new competencies and restoring a somatic sense of self. Students will learn effective, accessible interventions for identifying and working with disruptive somatic patterns, disturbed cognitive and emotional processing, and the fragmented sense of self experienced by so many traumatized individuals. Techniques are taught within a phase-oriented treatment approach, focusing first on stabilization and symptom reduction. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can be easily and effectively integrated into psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and EMDR-focused treatments.

This Training consists of approximately 80 contact hours.

Click here for more information on the SPI Training Program including Level I curriculum.

Training Application


Training Dates:

  1. October 26-27, 2018
  2. December 14-15, 2018
  3. January 25-26, 2019
  4. February 22-23, 2019
  5. March 29-30, 2019
  6. May 31-June 1, 2019

Dates and times may be subject to change; see Cancellation Policy

5% discount if application is submitted by August 31, 2018


Tuition Policy


Financial Aid

Continuing Education Credit: Continuing education credit for this Training is co-sponsored by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI) and The Institute for Continuing Education (ICE). The opportunity to secure credit is included with tuition; materials to secure credit will be provided for participants onsite.

Click here for more information about securing CE credit

Times: 9:00am-5:30pm (two 15 min. breaks, 1.5 hour lunch each day)
Location: Rudramandir, 830 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94710. Map
Trainers: Janina Fisher, PhD, Kelley Callahan, PhD, Ame Cutler, Ph.D.
Tuition: 3,200 USD. 5% discount if application is received by 08/31/2018. A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00. A deposit of $500.00 is due to provisionally secure a place in the training – deposit is not due at time of application. Refund Policy


Contact: SPI Admissions, 3034473290,
Local Contact: Janina Fisher, PhD, 510-891-1809,

Level I: Affect Dysregulation, Survival Defenses, and Traumatic Memory

NOVEMBER 2, 2018 – JUNE 8, 2019

A high percentage of clients in outpatient treatment and a higher percentage of inpatients report histories of neglect, trauma, and/or attachment failure. In addition to being diagnosed with PTSD, this client population often presents as affectively dysregulated, chronically depressed, exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and borderline or other personality disorders. Level I of The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Training Program in Affect Regulation, Attachment, and Trauma equips therapists to better understand the symptoms and issues of these challenging client populations and to work with them in a more effective way. With a better understanding of the presenting problems of these clients and equipped with interventions that speak directly to how their issues are driven by the body and the nervous system, students will be able to directly impact the direction of treatment not only for these client populations but also in their practice settings.

The Level I Training presents simple, body-oriented interventions for tracking, naming, and safely exploring trauma-related, somatic activation, creating new competencies and restoring a somatic sense of self. Students will learn effective, accessible interventions for identifying and working with disruptive somatic patterns, disturbed cognitive and emotional processing, and the fragmented sense of self experienced by so many traumatized individuals. Techniques are taught within a phase-oriented treatment approach, focusing first on stabilization and symptom reduction. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can be easily and effectively integrated into psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and EMDR-focused treatments.

This Training consists of approximately 80 contact hours.

Click here for more information on the SPI Training Program including Level I curriculum.

NOTE: A Level I Training is also being offered in Brooklyn in 2018 witha Sunday/Monday format to accommodate participants who observeShabbat or are otherwise unable to attend Fridays/Saturdays. Clickthe link below for more information on the Brooklyn Training or click“Training Application” below to apply to the Friday/Saturday Level ITraining in Manhattan:

Brooklyn Level I Training

Training Application


Training Dates:

  1. November 2-3, 2018
  2. December 7-8, 2018
  3. February 22-23, 2019
  4. March 29-30, 2019
  5. May 3-4, 2019
  6. June 7-8, 2019

Trainer Assignments: Each course module is taught on a rotating schedule by individual SPI faculty members as designated below. Trainers do not co-teach modules unless specifically stated otherwise. Specific modules and total number of modules designated to each Trainer may vary.

Dates and times may be subject to change; see Cancellation Policy


Tuition Policy


Financial Aid

Continuing Education Credit: Continuing education credit for this Training is co-sponsored by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI) and The Institute for Continuing Education (ICE). The opportunity to secure credit is included with tuition; materials to secure credit will be provided for participants onsite.

Click here for more information about securing CE credit

Times: 9:00am-5:30pm (two 15 min. breaks, 1.5 hour lunch each day)
Location: The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York, 12 West 12th Street, New York City, NY 10011. Map

The First Presbyterian Church takes up the entire corner of the block (12th Street & 5th Ave) and is surrounded by an iron fence, but the training site is in the Administrative building that was built onto the 12th Street side of the church. Because the entrance to the Administrative building is on the church grounds, but does not face 12th Street, the address can be confusing and hard to locate because the actual address is not marked on the building (Sometimes people can wander around trying to find “12 West 12th Street”, but only see the church).

The building where the training room is located (on the second floor) is a more modern-looking building attached to the church on the 12th Street side. There is an opening to the iron fence on the 12th Street side before reaching the corner of 5th Avenue, where participants will see a glassed-in lobby with a large entrance. It looks like a library. Enter there and there is a reception desk that will direct participants up the stairs to the training room on the 2nd floor.


Union Square (N, Q, R, L, 4, 5, 6) 14th Street (1, 2, 3, F, M) West 4th Street (A, B, C, D, E, F, M)


Fifth Avenue: M1, M2, M3, M5 Sixth Avenue: M5 8th Street: M8 14th Street: M7, M14

Trainers: Janina Fisher, PhD, Amy Gladstone, LCSW, Ph.D.
Tuition: 3,300 USD. 5% discount if application is received by 09/07/2018. A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00. A deposit of $500.00 is due to provisionally secure a place in the training – deposit is not due at time of application. Refund Policy


Contact: SPI Admissions, 3034473290,
Local Contact: Amy Gladstone, LCSW, Ph.D., 212-243-1540,

Level I: Affect Dysregulation, Survival Defenses, and Traumatic Memory

NOVEMBER 9, 2018 – MARCH 17, 2019

A high percentage of clients in outpatient treatment and a higher percentage of inpatients report histories of neglect, trauma, and/or attachment failure. In addition to being diagnosed with PTSD, this client population often presents as affectively dysregulated, chronically depressed, exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and borderline or other personality disorders. Level I of The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Training Program in Affect Regulation, Attachment, and Trauma equips therapists to better understand the symptoms and issues of these challenging client populations and to work with them in a more effective way. With a better understanding of the presenting problems of these clients and equipped with interventions that speak directly to how their issues are driven by the body and the nervous system, students will be able to directly impact the direction of treatment not only for these client populations but also in their practice settings.

The Level I Training presents simple, body-oriented interventions for tracking, naming, and safely exploring trauma-related, somatic activation, creating new competencies and restoring a somatic sense of self. Students will learn effective, accessible interventions for identifying and working with disruptive somatic patterns, disturbed cognitive and emotional processing, and the fragmented sense of self experienced by so many traumatized individuals. Techniques are taught within a phase-oriented treatment approach, focusing first on stabilization and symptom reduction. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can be easily and effectively integrated into psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and EMDR-focused treatments.

This Training consists of approximately 80 contact hours.

Click here for more information on the SPI Training Program including Level I curriculum.

5% discount if application is submitted by September 14, 2018

Dates and times may be subject to change; see Cancellation Policy


Tuition Policy


Financial Aid

Continuing Education Credit: Continuing education credit for this Training is co-sponsored by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI) and The Institute for Continuing Education (ICE). The opportunity to secure credit is included with tuition; materials to secure credit will be provided for participants onsite.

Click here for more information about securing CE credit

Training Application


Training Dates:

  1. November 9-11, 2018
  2. December 7-9, 2018
  3. February 1-3, 2019
  4. March 15-17, 2019

Dates and times may be subject to change; see Cancellation Policy


Tuition Policy


Financial Aid

Continuing Education Credit: Continuing education credit for this Training is co-sponsored by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI) and The Institute for Continuing Education (ICE). The opportunity to secure credit is included with tuition; materials to secure credit will be provided for participants onsite.

Click here for more information about securing CE credit

Times: Fridays/Saturdays: 9:00am-5:45pm (two 15 min. breaks, 1.5 hr lunch each day)
Sundays: 9:00am-4:00pm (two 15 min. breaks, 1 hr lunch)
Location: Portland State University-Business Accelerator, 2828 SW Corbett Ave., Portland, OR 97201. Map
Trainers: Ame Cutler, Ph.D., Rebeca Farca, MA
Tuition: 3,050 USD. 5% discount if application is received by 09/14/2018. A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00. A deposit of $500.00 is due to provisionally secure a place in the training – deposit is not due at time of application. Refund Policy


Contact: SPI Admissions, 3034473290,
Local Contact: Anna C Long, 503-729-1380,

Level I: Affect Dysregulation, Survival Defenses, and Traumatic Memory

SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 – APRIL 6, 2019

A high percentage of clients in outpatient treatment and a higher percentage of inpatients report histories of neglect, trauma, and/or attachment failure. In addition to being diagnosed with PTSD, this client population often presents as affectively dysregulated, chronically depressed, exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and borderline or other personality disorders. Level I of The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Training Program in Affect Regulation, Attachment, and Trauma equips therapists to better understand the symptoms and issues of these challenging client populations and to work with them in a more effective way. With a better understanding of the presenting problems of these clients and equipped with interventions that speak directly to how their issues are driven by the body and the nervous system, students will be able to directly impact the direction of treatment not only for these client populations but also in their practice settings.

The Level I Training presents simple, body-oriented interventions for tracking, naming, and safely exploring trauma-related, somatic activation, creating new competencies and restoring a somatic sense of self. Students will learn effective, accessible interventions for identifying and working with disruptive somatic patterns, disturbed cognitive and emotional processing, and the fragmented sense of self experienced by so many traumatized individuals. Techniques are taught within a phase-oriented treatment approach, focusing first on stabilization and symptom reduction. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can be easily and effectively integrated into psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and EMDR-focused treatments.

This Training consists of approximately 80 contact hours.

Click here for more information on the SPI Training Program including Level I curriculum.

Training Application


Training Dates:

  1. September 21-22, 2018
  2. November 2-3, 2018
  3. December 7-8, 2018
  4. January 18-19, 2019
  5. March 1-2, 2019
  6. April 5-6, 2019

Dates and times may be subject to change; see Cancellation Policy


Tuition Policy


Financial Aid

Continuing Education Credit: Continuing education credit for this Training is co-sponsored by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI) and The Institute for Continuing Education (ICE). The opportunity to secure credit is included with tuition; materials to secure credit will be provided for participants onsite.

Click here for more information about securing CE credit

Times: 9am-5:30pm (two 15 min. breaks, 1.5 hr lunch each day).
Location: Beverly Hills Women’s Club, 1700 Chevy Chase Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90210. Map
Trainers: Rebeca Farca, MA, Mason A. Sommers, Ph.D
Tuition: 3,500 USD. 5% discount if application is received by 07/27/2018. A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00. A deposit of $500.00 is due to provisionally secure a place in the training – deposit is not due at time of application. Refund Policy


Contact: SPI Admissions, 3034473290,
Local Contact: Bonnie Goldstein, Ph.D,

Healing Shame in Couples
A workshop for therapists and other helping professionals
With Sheila Rubin, LMFT, RDT/BCT & Bret Lyon, PhD, SEP, BCC

Saturday, April 21, 10:00am – 6:00pm & Sunday, April 22, 10:00am – 5:30pm
In Berkeley, just off I-80

$350 / $325 with full payment by March 9
Special rate for interns
Partners welcome! Contact us to find out about couples discount.

13 CEUs*

The more we care about each other, the more vulnerable we are to shame. Intentionally or unintentionally, we poke each other in the tender spots. Couples can shame each other multiple times a day, often without realizing what is happening. This can become a highly reactive cycle, preventing both people from getting their basic safety and attachment needs met. And shame can distort how we hear each other; the received message may have little to do with the message the partner is attempting to send.

In this workshop we will explore the blame/shame game couples can fall into and learn how to help them stop shaming each other and work together to create a secure base and heal the wounds of the past.

We will:
• Look at some of the many subtle ways shame can be triggered.
• Explore shaming moments with great care so we can teach our clients how to avoid shame-based reactivity.
• Learn the gentle art of counter-shaming and how to help a partner with his or her feelings of inadequacy.
• Help a person give back shame to the original source with their partner’s full support.

If we can free the energy that has been stuck in blame and shame, couples can increase their vitality, joy and intimacy.

TO REGISTER, visit the Schedule page at
Space is limited.
For more information, call Sheila at 415-820-3974 or email

For details about our complete training program in Healing Shame, as well as articles and free webinars, visit our website.

*The Center for Healing Shame is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for MFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs in California – CAMFT CE provider #134393. PhDs in California and PhDs and licensed therapists outside of California may be able to receive 12 CEUs through the co-sponsorship of R. Cassidy Seminars. (Apply for CEUs from R. Cassidy Seminars prior to the workshop at The Center for Healing Shame maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.

Berkeley, CA – March 10

The ability to connect deeply begins with the self. When we are connected to our own authentic sense of self, true openhearted connection to others becomes possible, which leaves us feeling more alive and engaged in our world. Unfortunately, the experience of heartfelt connection eludes many of us, often leading to experiences of misunderstanding, emptiness, and a diminished satisfaction in life. The Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychology offers a road map for true connection. With the integrated use of mindfulness and the body, participants will be guided through experiences of self-discovery that elucidate how we hold ourselves in relationship to others. We will then begin to cultivate new ways of paying attention that are designed to increase connection, deepen interpersonal encounters, and encourage the experience of feeling alive in our bodies. In an environment of loving kindness, learning and fun, this workshop will nourish the soul, as well as create opportunities for self-understanding, growth and healing.

What you will learn:

A basic orientation to Hakomi
How to cultivate a sense of safety, sensitivity, compassion, and respect that inspires growth and healing
How to listen to and use the body to connect more deeply with life

Berkeley, CA – March 10

The ability to connect deeply begins with the self. When we are connected to our own authentic sense of self, true openhearted connection to others becomes possible, which leaves us feeling more alive and engaged in our world. Unfortunately, the experience of heartfelt connection eludes many of us, often leading to experiences of misunderstanding, emptiness, and a diminished satisfaction in life. The Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychology offers a road map for true connection. With the integrated use of mindfulness and the body, participants will be guided through experiences of self-discovery that elucidate how we hold ourselves in relationship to others. We will then begin to cultivate new ways of paying attention that are designed to increase connection, deepen interpersonal encounters, and encourage the experience of feeling alive in our bodies. In an environment of loving kindness, learning and fun, this workshop will nourish the soul, as well as create opportunities for self-understanding, growth and healing.

What you will learn:

A basic orientation to Hakomi
How to cultivate a sense of safety, sensitivity, compassion, and respect that inspires growth and healing
How to listen to and use the body to connect more deeply with life

Richmond, VA – March 17-18:

Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy – An Introduction: Mindfulness and the Body
Faculty: Lorena Monda, LPCC, Certified Hakomi Trainer
Schedule: March 17: 9:30 to 5:00; March 18: 9:00 to 4:30.

Cost: $225 if registered by ; $275 thereafter; $25 CE fee if applicable.

Note: This workshop may serve as the prerequisite for 2-year Hakomi Comprehensive Trainings, scheduled to begin in Chapel Hill, NC, in October 2018.
Contact: Nancy Donny ( or 803-760-5257) for further information or to register for this workshop.

Edmonton, Alberta

 – April 6-7, 2018

Recent studies have shown the devastating, immobilizing and disorienting effects of shame on the human psyche. Shame is a disempowering downward spiraling helix. Guilt on the other hand both mobilizes and orients us to the world in which we live. The practice of Self-compassion is the bridge that helps us move from the painful isolation of shame into a more mindful and empowering connection with our self and our common humanity.

Hakomi is a Mindfulness Centred Somatic Psychotherapy that is deeply rooted in five principles, namely, Mindfulness, Non-violence, Organicity, Unity and Mind-Body-Spirit Wholism. These Principles and practices guide both the work and the therapist.

This workshop will give you an overview of the Hakomi Method and will include:
• A presentation of the Hakomi Principles and theory
• Experiential exercises and practice
• A close look at the difference between shame and guilt
• An experiential exploration of the practice of Self-compassion
• A demonstration of an actual therapy session, with an opportunity for discussion of the techniques used

Shame and Self-Compassion: An Introduction to Hakomi Mindfulness-Centred Somatic Psychotherapy

Austin, TX – April 21 – 22
Sol Healing and Wellness Center, 13805 Ann Pl
Austin , TX 78728

In this introductory workshop we will explore some of the foundational Hakomi concepts and techniques as applied to working with couples. This workshop is open to all – single people, couples, therapists, non-therapists, etc. This workshop will count as a prerequisite for the Hakomi Comprehensive Training beginning in February 2019.

What you will learn:

The basic Hakomi Principles and some Hakomi Techniques

Listening with Loving Presence: How to be totally present to your partner’s experience without getting defensive

Pressing the Pause Button: Bringing the power of mindfulness and emotional self-regulation into relationship

The Dovetail Fit: Identifying the intersection of each individuals core material from childhood and how triggering that can be

Jumping Out of the System: Working with your partner to identify repetitive hurtful patterns in relationship & how to shift them

The Next Step: The value of focusing on the very next supportive step rather than on some overwhelming long-term goal

Santa Monica, CA – May 5-6
With Shai Lavie, MA, LMFT, Certified Hakomi Trainer and Therapist

Are you curious about ways to use mindfulness with your clients? Do you want more tools for including the body in therapy? Have you heard about Hakomi but haven’t had a chance to try it out?

Mindfulness, experiential exercises, and the body-mind connection offer direct access routes to clients’ unconscious material. Instead of just talking about things, clients experience them directly and therefore gain deeper insight as well as tools for change. This type of work creates aliveness and creativity for therapist and client alike.

This workshop is an opportunity to learn the basic skills of Hakomi, a method that has been utilizing mindfulness and the body for over thirty years.

In this workshop, you will learn:

Tracking and contacting: How to track and use somatic cues like tone of voice, gestures, facial expressions and body posture to access unconscious material
Mindfulness: How to assist clients to shift into a quiet, grounded state of consciousness that helps them to deepen their awareness and explore inner material that’s not easily accessible through other methods
Accessing: Steps for discovering the core issues that underlie your clients’ challenges
This is a hands-on workshop; you’ll have an opportunity to practice the skills you’re learning in a gentle and safe environment.

Mallorca, Spain – 13-15 April 2018
With: Maci Daye, L.P.C., Certified Hakomi Trainer

This workshop introduces participants to the basic principles and skills of the Hakomi Method to support personal and professional development. The goal of Hakomi is to uncover and alter unconscious motivations, beliefs and outdated frames of reference that negatively affect mood and relationships with self and others. The method uses experiments conducted in mindfulness and body awareness to gather information about unconscious processes. These techniques, coupled with the attuned presence of the therapist, access implicit memories and gently reorganize entrenched neural patterns.In this workshop, you will: Learn how to turn awareness inward for self-study, and how mindfulness can infuse this exploration with a sense of curiosity and compassion. Explore ways the body archives experience and expresses our deepest beliefs about life. Practice using mindful experiments and the body to identify and eventually transform unconscious, limiting core beliefs.

Introductory Workshops

HEALING SHAME: The Core Workshop
Understanding, Transforming and Reducing Shame

A Workshop for Therapists and Other Helping Professionals
With Bret Lyon PhD, SEP, BCC & Sheila Rubin LMFT, RDT/BCT

ONLINE via Zoom
4 Fridays: March 9, 16, 30 and April 6
10am – 1:15pm Pacific Time

$350 / Special price for interns
12 CEUs available for LIVE PARTICIPATION*
(See CEU stipulations below)

This workshop provides essential, basic knowledge of how to work with shame. You will learn what shame is and how it is created, and how to help your clients recognize shame, work through it and move on. We will discuss how to become more sensitive to the shaming often implicit in the therapy situation and how to counter shame in therapy. You will learn to help clients separate feelings of shame from other emotions. And you’ll learn how to help clients out of the shame morass so they can move their energy powerfully outward rather than turn it against themselves.

Recordings of each class will be available for two weeks following the original class date.

*CEUs are available for live participation on this workshop. In order to receive CEUs for this workshop, you must participate live on all four calls, due to the stipulations guiding continuing education credit for online courses. Unfortunately, we cannot offer CEUs for partial attendance (i.e., attending some classes live and listening to others via the recording) or for those who are only participating via the recordings.

TO REGISTER, visit the Schedule page at
For assistance with registration and with R. Cassidy Seminars, please contact Elizabeth at
Space is limited.

For details about our complete training program in Healing Shame, visit our website. Register and pay for the full program for greatly discounted workshop registration.

For more information, contact Sheila at 415-820-3974 or

You can also check out our articles and free Healing Shame webinars available on our website.

*The Center for Healing Shame is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to provide continuing education for MFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs in California (CAMFT CE provider #134393). PhDs in California and PhDs and licensed therapists outside of California may be able to receive CEUs through the co-sponsorship of R. Cassidy Seminars. The Center for Healing Shame maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.

The Enneagram and Relationships, A Road to Better Relating, an Intermediate 1 Day Workshop

What if you could truly understand others from the inside out…what makes them tick… WHY people do the things they do that make you crazy ? Join us at our 1 Day Saturday workshop in mid-March. Read on! Pending 7 CE’s from NASW.

Enneagram & Relationships 3.17.18 Flyer

You can register HERE

Sex and Shame – A Workshop for Therapists and other Helping Professionals
with Sheila Rubin, LMFT, RDT/BCT and Bret Lyon, PhD, SEP, BCC

Saturday, March 24, 10am-6pm & Sunday, March 25, 10:30am-5:30pm

In Berkeley, just off I-80

$350 full price / $325 with full payment by February 9
Special price for interns
13 CEUs for MFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs in California*

Sexuality is a vital, defining part of our identity. We are at our most vulnerable when we experience sexual feelings—therefore we’re the most prone to feeling shame. We are subject to sexual shaming from early childhood, when we are most vulnerable to moral judgments from family and society—and to boundary violations from family members and those older than us. Entering our teenage years, we long to be attractive to others and try desperately to “be cool” and fit in. As adults, we seek a partner and try to balance the constraints of monogamy with sexual adventure. In our mature years, our ability to function sexually diminishes and our faces and bodies are no longer as we remember them.

In this workshop, we will offer tools you can use to help clients talk about, explore, and heal the sexual shame that can arise at any stage in the life cycle—and help them towards a life-affirming sexuality.

We will:
– Discover ways to help clients become aware of the many, often conflicting messages they received about body image and sexuality from family and society.
– Learn ways to help clients repair the disconnect between self and others—and between parts of the self—that have been created by shaming, inappropriate behavior, or abuse.
– Understand counter-shaming techniques and develop tools for couples to understand their shame triggers and communicate about taboo sexual topics.
– Work with the shame that can cause and result from affairs.
– Identify challenges in being a sexual minority in society and the layers of shame that can occur.
– Unfreeze shame and open life force in a grounded and embodied way, helping clients to access and safely explore their sexual energy.

TO REGISTER, visit the Schedule page at
Space is limited.

For more information, call Sheila at 415-820-3974 or email

For details about our complete training program in Healing Shame, as well as articles and free webinars, visit our website.

*The Center for Healing Shame is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for MFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs in California (CAMFT CE provider #134393). PhDs and licensed therapists outside of California may receive CEUs through Cassidy Seminars. The Center for Healing Shame maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.

Melting the Shame Freeze – Using Somatic Techniques to Create Safety and Build Attunement
A Workshop for Therapists and other Helping Professionals
With Sheila Rubin LMFT, RDT/BCT and Bret Lyon PhD, SEP, BCC

Saturday, February 24, 10am-6pm & Sunday, February 25, 10:30am-5:30pm
In Berkeley, just off I-80

$350 full price / $325 with full payment by January 12
Special price for interns
13 CEUs for MFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs
CAMFT Approved CE Provider #134393

Shame is an embodied belief that “Something is wrong with me.” Because shame exists in the body as well as in the mind, it is helpful for therapists to work with shame somatically. In this workshop, we will explore how to utilize somatic techniques to connect more quickly with the client and forge a strong therapeutic alliance.

We will:
• Focus on using breathing and grounding to resource the client, becoming more aware of our own breathing and expanding it in the process.
• Learn ways to help clients repair the disconnect between self and others—and between parts of the self—that have been created by shaming, inappropriate behavior or abuse.
• Explore how to keep our clients more present in the room with us and counter over- verbalization, dissociation and freezing.
• Learn techniques and theory from Wilhelm Reich (the father of Somatics), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing®), Ron Kurtz (Hakomi) and Eugene Gendlin (Focusing).


Register online on the Schedule page at
Or register by mail by sending full payment or a $100 deposit to:
Bret Lyon
830 Bancroft Way, Suite 102, Berkeley, CA 94710
Please include your full name, email and phone number.
We accept PayPal. For details, email Bret at
Space is limited.

For details about our complete training program in Healing Shame, visit our website.
For more information, call Sheila at 415-820-3974 or email

You can also check out articles and free Healing Shame webinars available on our website.

The Center for Healing Shame is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for therapists (CAMFT Approved CE Provider #134393). The Center for Healing Shame maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

M.E.T.A. weaves the classic Hakomi experiential, mindfulness-based psychotherapeutic method and the Re-Creation of the Self (R-CS) existential and state shifting model, with current interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB), attachment and trauma theories. M.E.T.A. embraces all this in an integrative framework that supports deep change. Relationship is the foundation of human development and of change in therapy. In this introductory workshop, Mindfulness, Relationship & Embodiment, offers a glimpse into the world of mindful, somatic, relational therapy. Using the Hakomi Mindful Somatic Therapy method as our base, and referencing attachment theory, participants will learn about and experience clinically applied mindfulness, explore how the body is a window into the unconscious, and practice explicit, nuanced ways to refine and enhance relational intelligence and skills.

In this dynamic workshop you will learn:

  • precise techniques for applying mindfulness in counseling
  • how to see the physical body as a source of psychological material
  • ways to explore client relational templates and support healthy attachment This workshop is appropriate for experienced and new therapists, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and graduate students in helping professions.

Mindfulness is the development of an alert inner quietness. It is turning away from the outer busyness and the automatic habits of our daily routine toward a deeper place of authentic feelings, ideas, needs, and resources. In the East, mindfulness has been a primary tool for spiritual exploration for thousands of years.

The Hakomi Method of Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy is at the forefront of exploring mindfulness as a primary tool for connecting consciousness and the body. The body is the medium for all human experience. It communicates to us in the language of sensation, tension, relaxation, movement, gesture, posture, and flow of qi. Our bodies have information for us about our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. In this workshop, we will learn ways to track, access and use bodily felt experience as a vehicle for lasting transformation.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands – This workshop introduces participants to the basic principles and skills of the Hakomi Method to support personal and professional development. The goal of Hakomi is to uncover and alter unconscious motivations, beliefs and outdated frames of reference that negatively affect mood and relationships with self and others. The method uses experiments conducted in mindfulness and body awareness to gather information about unconscious processes. These techniques, coupled with the attuned presence of the therapist, access implicit memories and gently reorganize entrenched neural patterns.

In this workshop, you will: Learn how to turn awareness inward for self-study, and how mindfulness can infuse this exploration with a sense of curiosity and compassion. Explore ways the body archives experience and expresses our deepest beliefs about life. Practice using mindful experiments and the body to identify and eventually transform unconscious, limiting core beliefs.

The workshop will consist of a balance of talks, experiential exercises, discussion and personal reflection, with an emphasis on skills that can be readily applied following the workshop. This workshop offers the opportunity to experience the Hakomi method of psychotherapy. It is suitable for those working therapeutically with clients and those wishing to deepen their own self understanding. It will be of value to psychotherapists, counsellors, psychologists and other practitioners who are interested in learning more about Hakomi or are considering enrolling in the Hakomi Professional Training.