C.G. Jung believed that psyche and body are one. Marion Woodman, with Mary Hamilton and Ann Skinner, developed BodySoul Rhythms® from their common belief in our body’s wisdom and their many years of exploring the relationship between psyche and soma. In this talk I will discuss their pioneering contributions to the field, conscious embodiment in clinical practice, and how neuroscience supports a body-oriented approach to healing trauma. Through lecture, embodied experience, and discussion, participants will have an opportunity to experience the process of “coming home to the body”.
Brain, Mind and Body: Trauma, Neurobiology and the Healing Relationship Conference
April 28 — 29, 2017 London, Ontario Presentation
Conference Information: The University of Western Ontario Department of Psychiatry sponsors this seminar that will celebrate the work of the Harris-Woodman Chair in Psyche-Soma and related areas of progress. This conference will focus on the affective neurosciences, progress made in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and link body and mind research from molecular biology and neuroimaging to clinical interventions in several psychiatric disorders.
Presenters: Paul Frewen, PhD, C.Psych Colonel Rakesh Jetly, OMM, CD, MD, FRCPC Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD Margaret McKinnon, PhD, C. Psych Allan Schore, PhD Tina Stromsted, PhD, MFT, BC-DMT Ed Tick, PhD Bessel van der Kolk, MD Margaret Wilkinson, BA, SAP *