Marion Woodman Conference Full SizeNovember 6, 2015 – November 8, 2015

Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, California

Co-Sponsored by Pacifica Graduate Institute and the Marion Woodman Foundation

C.G. Jung believed that psyche and body are one. Marion Woodman, with Mary Hamilton and Ann Skinner, developed BodySoul Rhythms® from their common belief in our body’s wisdom and their many years exploring the relationship between psyche and soma. Based on the conviction that psyche and soma are inseparable, they believed they must be worked with simultaneously in order for us to become more conscious, more whole as a human being.

Marion Woodman’s years as a teacher, author, mentor, and friend greatly influenced the work of Pacifica Graduate Institute, the Marion Woodman Foundation, the Jungian community, and beyond. Through her work, we are graced with a knowledge gleaned from keen insight, an inspiration discovered from embodied experience, and a passion rooted in deep conviction.

Through discussion, dream, movement, voice, creative expression, and ritual—in the safety of the temenos and while honoring the uniqueness of each individual—participants will have an embodied experience with the possibility of healing old wounds and the emergence of new energies. We invite you to join us for this very special weekend in beautiful Santa Barbara to explore the tenets of BodySoul Rhythms® and to celebrate the legacy of Marion Woodman.

The program will be held November 6-8, 2015, Friday 7-9pm, Saturday 9am-5:45pm and Sunday 9am-1pm

Presentations by Tina Stromsted, Ph.D.:

Embodied Wisdom: An Introduction to BodySoul Rhythms® (Pre-Conference Workshop); Co-facilitated with Meg Wilbur & Dorothy Anderson ;November 6, 2015, 9:00am – 4:30pm

Stars Beneath the Sea: The Gifts of Marion Woodman (Plenary Talk); November 6, 2015, 7-9pm

BodySoul Theatre: Finding Your ‘Real Skin’; Co-facilitated with Meg Wilbur & Dorothy Anderson; November 7, 2015, 2:15-3:45pm


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