Title: Embodied Research Methods
Editor: Jennifer Frank Tantia, PhD
Routledge Press
Embodied phenomena have been explored in research in many fields of study such as psychology, expressive therapies, social sciences, anthropology, medicine, and education but to date there has not yet existed a collection of work that describes the specific ways in which embodied data collection and analysis can contribute to traditional styles of inquiry. Embodiment is an essential element of human experience, yet often missing in research data. This book will serve as an edited textbook that emphasizes embodied data in research methods. We are seeking chapter contributions that describe innovative research methods in both qualitative and quantitative approaches to embodied experience in research.
Please send the following short proposal to Jennifer Tantia – jftantia@gmail.com* by September 15, 2017:
Proposed chapter title:
Name, country and contact details: Submission content: (500 words; APA format):
• Introduction
• Theoretical background and description of methodology
• Description of method: data collection (interviews, observations, etc…) and data analysis (identifying patterns and establishing a relationship between data and unknowns)
• Summary that includes the relative usefulness of your proposed embodied method pertains to the extant literature in your particular field.
• Key Words (3-5)
• Key References (6-10)
• Brief biography of 75 words outlining professional qualifications, previous publishing experience, etc.
• A sample of material (draft acceptable) or previously published material to evidence writing competence.
*Please use: “Embodied Research Methods Proposal” in the subject line of your email.
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