HEALING SHAME: The Core Workshop
Understanding, Transforming and Reducing Shame
A Workshop for Therapists and Other Helping Professionals
With Bret Lyon PhD, SEP, BCC & Sheila Rubin LMFT, RDT/BCT
ONLINE via Zoom
4 Fridays: March 9, 16, 30 and April 6
10am – 1:15pm Pacific Time
$350 / Special price for interns
12 CEUs available for LIVE PARTICIPATION*
(See CEU stipulations below)
This workshop provides essential, basic knowledge of how to work with shame. You will learn what shame is and how it is created, and how to help your clients recognize shame, work through it and move on. We will discuss how to become more sensitive to the shaming often implicit in the therapy situation and how to counter shame in therapy. You will learn to help clients separate feelings of shame from other emotions. And you’ll learn how to help clients out of the shame morass so they can move their energy powerfully outward rather than turn it against themselves.
Recordings of each class will be available for two weeks following the original class date.
*CEUs are available for live participation on this workshop. In order to receive CEUs for this workshop, you must participate live on all four calls, due to the stipulations guiding continuing education credit for online courses. Unfortunately, we cannot offer CEUs for partial attendance (i.e., attending some classes live and listening to others via the recording) or for those who are only participating via the recordings.
TO REGISTER, visit the Schedule page at www.CenterforHealingShame.com.
For assistance with registration and with R. Cassidy Seminars, please contact Elizabeth at EDHealingShame@gmail.com.
Space is limited.
For details about our complete training program in Healing Shame, visit our website. Register and pay for the full program for greatly discounted workshop registration.
For more information, contact Sheila at 415-820-3974 or Sheila@HealingShame.com.
You can also check out our articles and free Healing Shame webinars available on our website.
*The Center for Healing Shame is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to provide continuing education for MFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs in California (CAMFT CE provider #134393). PhDs in California and PhDs and licensed therapists outside of California may be able to receive CEUs through the co-sponsorship of R. Cassidy Seminars. The Center for Healing Shame maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.