Berkeley, CA
Module 1 – now available by DVD, manual, free supervision
Module 2 – September 29-October 2, 2016
Module 3 – March 23-26, 2017
Coordinator contact –
New York, NY
Module 1 – now available by DVD, manual, free supervision
Module 2 – November 4-7, 2016
Module 3 – March 31-April 3, 2017
Coordinator contact –
What is Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP)?
Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP) considers every approach to psychotherapy as valuable and understands them all as components of a broad unifying framework built on Eastern and Western psychologies. It offers clinicians from diverse therapeutic modalities the possibility of increasing treatment efficiency through greater embodiment of all levels of the psyche.
All human experiences (perceiving, thinking, feeling, remembering, imagining, evaluating, relating, and responding) arise from our individual gross (i.e. physical) and quantum level subtle (i.e. energy) bodies that are in constant interaction with the dynamic collective gross and subtle bodies contained in an absolute collective body of pure awareness. Though valuable, the focus on the brain and to a lesser extent on the individual gross (physical) body as the beginning and end of all of our experiences has severely limited Western psychology’s comprehension of the larger domain in which human experiences originate; and has greatly diminished its ability to help those in need. Regardless of the psychotherapy approach we use in our practice, we can help our clients better with their cognitive, emotional, behavioral, relational, as well as somatic and spiritual difficulties, if we know more of the following:
a) how the three layers of the individual gross body, the five layers of the individual subtle body, the dynamic collective gross and subtle bodies, and the absolute collective body of pure awareness interact with each other to generate our experiences;
b) how the individual gross and subtle bodies can get dysregulated from difficult experiences and become disconnected from each other and from the three collective bodies and become symptomatic in many ways; and
c) how to make the individual gross and subtle bodies more available, regulated, balanced, and in better relationship with each other and with the three collective bodies while we work with our clients psychologically.
The value of ISP will be demonstrated especially through topics of current clinical interest: attachment, affect regulation, stress, and trauma.
Who can benefit the most from this training?
Because it is a professional master training for experienced clinicians, the prerequisites for admission are high:
a) an active professional practice in psychotherapy, bodywork, energywork, or education of individuals or groups, work that involves psychological processing,
b) an adequate somatic background such as participation in the Somatic Experiencing (SE) training or equivalent training and personal knowledge of the body (determined on an individual basis).
ISP will prove to be of considerable value to you whether you are trained in a mainstream psychoanalytic or psychotherapy approach, a body-oriented psychotherapy approach (such as Bioenergetics or Sensori-Motor Psychotherapy), or a bodywork modality such as Polarity Therapy or Cranio-Sacral Therapy, or an energywork school, as long as your work also involves psychological processing.
What is taught in the training?
General principles derived from a variety of disciplines including neuroscience and quantum physics for integrating all the bodies into any psychological approach, validated empirically in multiple clinical settings and cultures.
It offers all those who work psychologically a sophisticated body of knowledge to further increase the embodiment of body, energy, and consciousness dimensions in their work without having to change their prior clinical orientations or adopt interventions outside the norms of their professional practice. The role of body, energy, and consciousness in generating or disrupting psychological experiences in general and facilitating or hampering self and interactive regulation in particular is taught through applications in areas of widespread current clinical interest: affect regulation, attachment, stress, and trauma.
ISP offers considerable flexibility and choice in the tools used, such as awareness, movement, breath, sound, imagery, inter-personal resonance, self touch, and other touch, as appropriate to the clinical setting of the trainee.