We’ve heard and seen thousands of messages about what a “good” body is supposed to look like; now, experience ways to re-claim your body from inside out to promote health, happiness and make peace with the body. Drawing from her experience as a Yoga Instructor, personal trainer and Psychodramatist, Linda will lead the group in an experiential workshop that includes poetry, action methods, Yoga and meditation practice to re-pattern thinking about beauty, taking up space, having presence, and being at ease with the miraculous mind-body continuum that is our Selves.
DATE: Saturday, March 28, 2015
TIME: 1:00pm-3:00pm
PLACE: GoGo Guru 8289 Main Street, Ellicott City, MD 21043
Cost: $25 at the door ($20 in advance) To Register: http://www.gogoguru.net/yoga-studio-workshops.php
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