Integrate Your Past • Be in the Present • Shape Your Future

We are returning from our international teachings and look forward
to sharing our deep transformational work with you
at the world-renowned and magical setting of Esalen, Big Sur, California.

(Accommodation space is filling quickly, so please contact Esalen to register.)


This workshop is for individuals and couples. The work in Core Evolution® explores how the aspects of body, emotion, mind, consciousness interact with each other. The experience of love unifies all these aspects. A person in love and sexual harmony communicates and creates from a place of well-being, peace, joy, and a sense of fulfillment.

Participants will learn how to identify and differentiate the nature and main elements of love, sexuality, and relationship, and their intention, motivation, needs, and wants in their relationship with themselves and others. We will also discover the nature of triggers, causes of unhappiness, and also the possibility for change.

Cornelia and Siegmar create a safe space to look at important topics in life, while offering dynamic exploration, creative movement, and expression and mindful centering.

• Email us for an eight-page magazine interview with Siegmar Gerken on Love, Sexuality, and Relationship

To register and for further information:


International Institute of
Core Evolution & CoreSoma

+1 (707) 937-2309

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