
The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) for Healing Attachment, Relational and Developmental Trauma

The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) is an advanced clinical training for mental health and somatic practitioners who work with developmental trauma. NARM addresses relational and attachment trauma by working with early, unconscious patterns of disconnection that deeply affect our identity, emotions, physiology, behavior and relationships. Integrating a psychodynamic and body centered approach, NARM™ offers a comprehensive theoretical and clinical model for working with complex trauma.

Working relationally in the present moment, NARM draws on psychodynamic models, such as attachment and object relations theory, and somatic models in addressing the link between psychological issues and the body. Grounded in mindfulness and contemplative spiritual practices, NARM supports a non-western orientation to the nature of the Self. Learning how to work simultaneously with these diverse elements is a radical shift that has profound clinical implications for healing complex trauma.

For more information on NARM Practitioner Trainings:
In North America:

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