Official name of organization: MA Somatic Counseling Psychology Department
Address: 2130 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, CO 80302
Phone: 303.245.4854
Web site URL:
Program Title: Master of Arts in Somatic Counseling Psychology
Description of program:
The Somatic Counseling Psychology Department is one of many graduate programs at Naropa University. Naropa University offers a contemplative education where the joining of intellect and intuition, spiritual inquiry and intellectual rigor and for the atmosphere of mutual appreciation and respect among different peoples, cultures, and traditions thrives.
The Somatic Counseling Psychology program offers two unique programs designed to train students in the clinical practice of somatically orientated counseling psychology. Students can choose between two possible concentrations: Dance/Movement Therapy or Body Psychotherapy. Both programs offer extensive study, training and supervision in practices of psychotherapy that address the sensory and expressive life of the physical body.
The Somatic Counseling Psychology program focuses on developing competency in the five following categories: Theoretical knowledge, clinical skills, professional identity, diversity and service and contemplative practice.
Date Program Established: 1984
Number of grads per year: approximately 15-25
Required Hours: The MASCP program is a 60 hour credit program that takes on average 3 years to complete.
Number of months/years to complete program: 3 years (approx)
Clinic, internship and community outreach components of program:
Students are required to fulfill 200-hours of fieldwork placement (100-hours must be completed before program entrance) Students must fulfill 700-hours of clinical internship in each program. These clinical hours will involve 70 hours of group and individual clinical mentorship by a registered Dance/Movement Therapist or Body Psychotherapist.
Placement Service: none
Number of hours/credits for certificate: n/a
Location of facility: Paramita Campus, Boulder, CO
Tuition Information: 303.546.3598 (Adminissions Counselor)
Financial Aid: 303.546.3534 or
Application Fees(s): $60 non-refundable
Enrollment Periods: The deadline for applications is January 15th for fall semester entrance only.
Contact information for requesting Catalogs and Applications: or
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