Jack Lee Rosenberg DDS, PhD passed away profoundly present, peacefully and surrounded with love, after having a heart attack in November 1, 2015. Read Obituary more
Oct 22 - 25, 2015, Essex, MA The conference includes: keynote talks and workshops on the theme, Bioenergetic exercise classes, process groups tailored to experience level with Bioenergetics.
If you didn't manage to get to the 2014 EABP-ISC Body Psychotherapy Congress in Lisbon, Portugal this September, there are still some copies of the pre-Congress book available from Body ...more
Dear member of the global embodied cognition community,
As an expert in the field of Embodied Cognition, you may be interested to know that our special edition “Embodied Cognition: An Applied ...more
The President of USABP, Beth Haessig, recently responded to an article in the New York Times magazine, about a body-centered approach to treating trauma.
I was happy ...more