For complete details:

A high percentage of clients in outpatient treatment and a higher percentage of inpatients report histories of neglect, trauma, and/or attachment failure. In addition to being diagnosed with PTSD, this client population often presents as affectively dysregulated, chronically depressed, exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and borderline or other personality disorders.

Level I of The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Training Program in Affect Regulation, Attachment, and Trauma equips therapists to better understand the symptoms and issues of these challenging client populations and to work with them in a more effective way. With a better understanding of the presenting problems of these clients and equipped with interventions that speak directly to how their issues are driven by the body and the nervous system, students will be able to directly impact the direction of treatment not only for these client populations but also in their practice settings.

The Level I Training presents simple, body-oriented interventions for tracking, naming, and safely exploring trauma-related, somatic activation, creating new competencies and restoring a somatic sense of self. Students will learn effective, accessible interventions for identifying and working with disruptive somatic patterns, disturbed cognitive and emotional processing, and the fragmented sense of self experienced by so many traumatized individuals. Techniques are taught within a phase-oriented treatment approach, focusing first on stabilization and symptom reduction. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can be easily and effectively integrated into psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and EMDR-focused treatments.

This Training consists of approximately 80 contact hours.

This Training is co-sponsored by Partners in Healing

Contact information: Sharon Gold-Steinberg, PhD, Carrie Hatcher-Kay, PhD, Cesar Valdez, LMSW 734-926-0071,

Training Application

Training Dates:

October 6-7, 2017
November 3-4, 2017
January 5-6, 2018
February 9-10, 2018
March 9-10, 2018
April 6-7, 2018
5% discount if application is submitted by July 28, 2017

Dates and times may be subject to change; see Cancellation Policy

Continuing Education Credit: Continuing education credit for this Training is co-sponsored by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI) and The Institute for Continuing Education (ICE). The opportunity to secure credit is included with tuition; materials to secure credit will be provided for participants onsite.

Click here for more information about securing CE credit

Times: TBA

Location: Michigan Friends Center, 7748 Clark Lake Rd, Chelsea, MI 48118. Map

Trainers: Anne Westcott, MA, LICSW, Kelley Callahan, PhD

Tuition: 3,000 USD. 5% discount if application is received by 07/28/2017. A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00. A deposit of $500.00 is due to provisionally secure a place in the training – deposit is not due at time of application.

Contact: SPI Admissions, 3034473290,
Local Contact: Carrie Hatcher-Kay, 734-730-3952,

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