dreamWhere: Mendocino, California • August 8 + 9, 2015

Awaken your Body-Dream-Process and be guided by an innate higher intelligence.

Neurobiology shows us, that we access more of our neuronal network and brain capacity when we dream – narrowing our experience to the paradigm that we call our Self and our beliefs when we are awake. As we go back to engage with our dreams we can expand this identification and unlock our tremendous creative potential.

Dreams embrace different realities simultaneously, offering information about our health, our intra-psychic reality, our personality, as well as questions of relationships. Dreams address our souls journey, our collective consciousness and open us to transpersonal realms.

As a Core Evolution Somatic Therapist and trainer Cornelia Gerken is uniquely skilled to work with what lies below the surface of our awareness. Our bodies, like our dreams, are portals to our unconscious. Both speak a different language, one is symbolic, the other kinesthetic and felt. In this process we do not interpret dream symbols but come to understand the dream-messages through an embodied experience.

The Body-Dream-Process™ expands dream-work by exploring through our bodies and somatic awareness, personalized movement, gestures and mindfulness and light trance. It is a powerful and integrative approach and connected to our personal and collective evolution.

Cornelia offers tools that are easy to learn to apply, so you can unlock the gift a dream offers you for a lifetime.

Venue: Mendocino, California

Times: Saturday, August 8; 10 am – 1 pm and 3 – 6 pm
Sunday, August 9; 10 am – 4:30 pm

Price: US $220.

For registration please contact: corneliagerken (at) gmail.com

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