A Sensorimotor Approach to Couples Therapy

MAY 4, 2018 – MAY 5, 2018

Join senior SPI Trainer Kekuni Minton, PhD (Presenter) and SPI Trainer and Los Angeles Regional Coordinator Mason A. Sommers, PhD (Discussant) for a two-day workshop on couples therapy.


In couples therapy, the emphasis has been on cognitive and emotional approaches to problem solving and intimacy. However, little attention has been given to the actual body state that is the basis of the two main modes of human interaction: reactive and relational. There may be many good reasons for operating in a reactive mode: attachment injuries, trauma, a bad history of adult relationships. Alternatively, many skills must be developed to sustain a relational mode in couple’s interactions.

In this workshop we will describe major reactive patterns in both the body and the brain, as well as primary dysfunctional attachment strategies. Special attention will be given to skill development in mindfulness, attunement, boundaries, parts work, object relations, and differentiation. We will exercise techniques and interventions to convert these reactive patterns to a relational mode.

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of the program, attendees will be able to:

Identify attributes of hyper- and hypo-arousal in the triggered brain

Identify three Dysfunctional Attachment Strategies and their implications in intimate relationships

Understand and implement techniques and interventions for boundary work for couples

Learn skills necessary for Earned Secure Attachment in work with couples

Identify Differentiated Mindful Attunement: A Description and a Brain/Body State

Understand and implement communication skills including Non Violent communication for couples and Hendrix’ Couples Dialog in work with couples

Apply the 5 Developmental Movements as Paradigms for Experiments with Couples

Explain Polarity in Sex: Knowing and Communicating what turns you on

Apply techniques for tracking and understanding relational body language

Apply techniques and strategies for working with couple’s communication

Credit hours: 12

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