Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy is an elegant and highly effective form of body centered therapy designed to support self-discovery through experiments done in mindfulness. The goal is the discovery and transformation of unconscious motivations, beliefs, and outdated “blueprints” that are causing unnecessary suffering. Hakomi is based in the creation of a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere, where therapists extend a loving attitude to help guide clients’ attention to their whole being, not just their thoughts. The warmth, presence, flexibility, and intelligence of the therapist create the foundation for this life-changing work.

This workshop is for body workers, counselors, psychotherapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers, clergy, physicians, spiritual leaders, healers and other helping professionals. It will introduce you to the basic principles and skills of the Hakomi Method as presented by Hakomi Institute. The method is an elegant and highly effective form of body centered therapy designed to support self-discovery through experiments done in mindfulness. The goal is the discovery and transformation of unconscious motivations, beliefs, and outdated frames of reference that are causing unnecessary suffering.

Hakomi is based in the creation of a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere, where therapists extend a loving and curious attitude to help the clients study themselves by guiding attention to their whole being, not just their thoughts. The warmth, presence, flexibility, and intelligence of the therapist create the foundation for this life-changing work.

As a body centered approach, Hakomi can serve as an excellent companion to massage therapy and bodywork. Since mind and body are interconnected and interdependent, there is lots of attention to what’s happening in the body in the present moment, along with thoughts, feelings and memories. You will learn basic skills that have immediate personal and professional application.

This workshop will allow you to:

  • Assess how the Hakomi Method will be a useful tool, both personally and professionally
  • Demonstrate an ability to turn awareness inward for self-study
  • Describe how mindfulness may be used to access implicit memories
  • Experience, witness and work with the Hakomi principles and basic skills
  • Learn how the body can reveal information about unconscious processes
  • Discover how mindfulness and little experiments can be used to study and transform limiting beliefs

For more information and to register:  CLICK HERE 

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